Framework, Heeyoung Sohn, South Korea


Frame is a mental structure that forms the way through which we see the world. In this exhibition, Heeyoung Sohn creates a spatial illusion on the screen by interweaving pure basic fundamentals and generates visual tension through 3-dimensional formative beauty. Frame is a viewpoint through we can see the original form of a design from a cognitive perspective without being restricted from the objective and physical lapse of time. The space of infinite dimension expressed through these artworks intermingles with each other within basic frame and the structure through which the frame is presented, creating a new frame and a new space is created with innovative elements. She materializes the value of design into nobility through artistic activities which watch things with sentivity and turn them into intellectual ones.

Creative formative experiments of reason and emotion, the inside and outside, time and space expressed through change in divided regions each of which moves independently are a temporal process overlapped with various colors and visual images and express the process through which the overall artworks are restored to a unified form through their descriptive method. Her design works feature refined formative beauty and meticulous details and are converted into continuity of space like a labyrinth on the screen after being dissolved through tension and relaxation of colors expressed in the structure where a single order exists.

Simple but polished expression of space in the artworks makes the flat surface 3-dimensional through visual combination at epistemological level, in-depth beauty of refined colors is expressed in visual simplicity, and continuously open spaces expand the realm of thought into the meaning of existence of humans and things beyond arts.