Alter Ego – Another Self by Haude Bernabé, France

Hong Kong art gallery Art Supermarket is pleased to present Alter Ego – Another Self, a solo exhibition of works selected from French artist Haude Bernabé. Alter Ego is a quotation from the French poet Arthur Rimbaud, which can be interpreted as our selves are separated from our inner selves. People today are used to find their identity through their personal belongings which are assigned by the religious adherence, political affiliation and other social groups. But these belongings cannot represent the whole selves. What really matter is the change.

Haude Bernabé’s work reminds us that beyond fads and "concept artists”, sculpture, Art is a matter of conviction, vision and emotion, which is to be sometimes as beautiful as a spring day, sometimes tortured, powerful as a storm over the sea and that these different states compose the meaning of it.

What strikes through her works as a sculptor is its strength, almost as a “force majeur” of creation. Made of raw metal, cut, welded, tortured, as mixed, Haude Bernabé’s sculptures have this prominent presence of primal scream, scream behind which the mathematical composure is never far. Rushing into labeling that universe of her primitive art would be damageable to her highly personal approach without concession to trends or fashion. A universe in which the intuitive intelligence and the constructivist mindset mingle closely.

In this exhibition, Haude will present two different sculptures to illustrate the conceivable selves and ignored selves. One is metal portraits that look like masks. And the other is a 3D printed sculptures with head replaced by other objects like a house and a cage. Works on paper (ink) will also be presented during the exhibition to reinforce the concept.

Selected Exhibitions:

2017     "Alter Ego – Another Self ", Art Supermarket, Hong Kong
2016     "Haude Bernabé/ Short cuts", Showroom Nathalie Garçon, Paris, France
               "Marenostrum" Solo show, Villa Finaly, Firenze, Italy
2015     "En grand format",  Cérès Franco Museum opening, La Coopérative, Montolieu, France
2014     "Inside out", GalleryClaire Corcia, Paris, France
2013     "Désirs bruts, collection Cérès Franco", Maison des Arts, Châtillon, France
              "20 ans après", Maison des Arts, Châtillon, France
2012     "Folie douce" GalerieClaire Corcia, Paris, France
               "Sintra Arte Publica IX", Portugal
2011     "Insolente réalité", Gallery Claire Corcia, Paris, France
               Chic Art Fair, Paris, France
2010     "Elles rêvent d’Eros", GalleryClaire Corcia, Paris, France
               Slick Art Fair, Paris, France
               Collection Cérès Franco, Musée des Beaux Arts, Carcassonne, France
2009     "El arte bajo pression", Bancaja Fundacion Caja, Castellone, France
               "Féminin pluriel", Gallery Claire Corcia, Paris, France
               "Biennale de sculptures", La Madeleine church, Paris, France
2008     "Contrastes", Maison des Arts, Chatillon, France
               "Beautés ensorcelées", Gallery Claire Corcia, Paris, France
2005     "Les Mitologies de Haude Bernabé i Pepe Donate", GalleriaFavre, Barcelona, Spain
               "Les imagiers débridés" Carcassonne, France
2004     "Bruissements d’Elles", La Caserne Centre d’artJoué les Tours
2003     "Désirs bruts" 6th Fine Art forum - Les Ulis, Le Kremlin Bicêtre, France
               "Alchimie" Gallery Geneviève Favre, Avignon, France
               "Attention jeunes, Fête de l’Humanité", La Courneuve, France
2002     Lineart, Gallery Geneviève Favre, Gand, Belgium